Alone and Lonely: The Purpose Seeking and Social Gene

I am alone. 

I am in the middle of a forest; I am the only human in a hundred mile radius. 
I am at home; I am the only living being in my house/apartment other than bacteria and other microscopic organisms. 
I am in my bedroom; I am the only person in my bedroom.

Picture by Bruce Aldridge

I am lonely. 

I feel a void in my heart; a cold void that makes me curl up in my blanket. 
I feel a subtle longing in my heart; I type in front of my computer and look out into the night. 
I feel bored; I look at myself not knowing what I should do next. 

I am not fully immersed. 

Sometimes I lose track of time, working on the immediate task, but other times I lose focus, thinking about my sub-optimal productivity. 
Sometimes I am completely alone, running, yet I do not feel lonely. 
Sometimes I am surrounded by people, yet I feel lonely. 


Many people talk about purpose. What is the purpose of life? What is my purpose in this world? Am I an extra nut or bolt in this machine called society?
Many people seek company. Many want to share their experiences in life, share their emotions. Cherish the golden times with close friends, and struggle through the dark patches of life.

We seek to belong. 

To someone, for something, we seek to be a protagonist. We seek to be validated. We seek to know that we are not the only one in the world thinking what we think and feeling what we feel. We want to know that we are not alone in this world.

But why? 

For a more fulfilling life? 

We seek for the better. 

We search for a better life. If our survival is at risk, we fight, so we survive. If our survival is virtually guaranteed, we seek for another thing. 
When the latest phone comes out, techy people rush to buy it (if their monetary situation allows). For the other techy people who don't have the latest phone, they yearn for it like honey. The same thing applies to movies, clothes, friends.... 

We seek for the ephemeral beauty. 

We rush towards the sun's dimming rays. Hope. Bravery. We seek to make ourselves beautiful, brave, and intelligent. We seek to leave behind positive impact on the world around us. 

Photo by Daniel Wehner

Seek without desperation. 

It is not wrong to seek company, support, or whatever else. It is human to do so, but there is no need to feel bound by being alone or feeling lonely. 
You are riding a bicycle alone, and it only takes you, one person, to enjoy the breeze. Find solace in yourself, and once you open your eyes to things around you, the world will take on a different color. 


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